Image of Avatar 3: Fire and Ash


Release dates

Theaters December 19, 2025


"Avatar 3" will present an expansion of Na'vi culture with the introduction of a new Ash clan, characterized by its strong element of fire. James Cameron strives to expand the gray areas in the portrayal of antagonists and protagonists by also showing evil Na'vi characters. Also, Colonel Quaritch remains the main antagonist, while the Sully family remains in focus. The use of back-to-back shooting keeps the aging of the child actors in check. New universes are also explored in this film, possibly implying that there are worlds beyond Pandora. Carpenter, the film's technical director, revealed that a standout component of "Avatar 3" will be the underwater scenes, which make sense because of the Sullys' connection to the Metkayina.


Release dates

Theaters December 19, 2025

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