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In cinemas since February 28, 2025
Last Breath (2025)
A drama starring Woody Harrelson, Simu Liu and Djimon Hounsou
A diver is stranded on the bottom of the North Sea, and when his umbilical cord snaps because of rough seas and an equipment mishap on the ship above, he is left with only five minutes of oxygen, in total darkness and freezing water, with no chance of rescue for at least thirty minutes.
The Patriot (2000)
A movie starring Mel Gibson, Heath Ledger and Joely Richardson
After proving himself on the field of battle in the French and Indian War, Benjamin Martin wants nothing more to do with such things, preferring the simple life of a farmer. But when his son Gabriel enlists in the army to defend their new nation, America, against the British, Benjamin reluctantly returns to his old life to protect his son.
In cinemas starting March 7, 2025
Mickey 17 (2025)
A rated R science fiction movie starring Robert Pattinson, Mark Ruffalo and Toni Collette
Mickey 17 is an "expendable", a disposable employee, on a human expedition sent to colonize the ice world Niflheim. After one iteration dies, a new body is regenerated with most of its memories intact.
The Karate Kid Part III (1989)
An action movie starring Ralph Macchio, Pat Morita and Robyn Lively
Despondent over the closing of his karate school, Cobra Kai teacher John Kreese joins a ruthless businessman and martial artist to get revenge on Daniel and Mr. Miyagi.
Eden (2025)
A rated R thriller starring Jude Law, Sydney Sweeney and Ana de Armas
In a turbulent time, various people are searching for a new life on the uninhabited Galápagos island of Floreana. Conflicts, power games and dangerous vanities between the characters escalate and lead to unexpected twists and turns. A gripping drama about humanity and the struggle for survival.
The Master and Margarita
A drama starring Yevgeni Tsyganov, Yuliya Snigir and August Diehl
Moscow, 1930s. A prominent writer's works are suddenly censored by the Soviet state and the premiere of his theatrical play about Pontius Pilate is canceled. He's kicked out of the Soviet Writer's Union, and quickly turns into an outcast with no means to survive ... (more)