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Available on March 14, 2025 starting Netflix
The Electric State (2025)
A rated PG-13 science fiction movie starring Millie Bobby Brown, Chris Pratt and Brian Cox
In a retro-futuristic 1990s, teenager Michelle teams with a sentient robot, Cosmo, to uncover the truth about her missing brother, Christopher. Their journey through the desert reveals dark secrets and a vibrant world filled with quirky animatronic allies.
Moon The Panda
A family movie starring Noé Yé, Ye Liu and Alexandra Lamy
Tian would rather play on his Switch than study for school. So his strict father sends him, together with his younger sister, to their grandmother in the countryside, unaware that the majestic mountains of Sichuan hold an even greater distraction for the boy. On his forays through the dense bamboo forests, Tian discovers a baby panda that has been abandoned by its mother ... (more)
In cinemas starting April 4, 2025
A Minecraft Movie (2025)
An rated PG adventure movie starring Jack Black, Jason Momoa and Emma Myers
In Minecraft's enchanting Overworld, four misfits must harness their creativity and collaborate with expert crafter Steve to conquer challenges, fend off dangers, and rediscover their unique talents to return home—ultimately blending imagination with survival.
In cinemas starting March 28, 2025
A Working Man (2025)
An rated R action movie starring Jason Statham, David Harbour and Michael Peña
Levon Cade has left his profession behind him to go ‘straight’ and work in construction. He wants to live a simple life and be a good father to his daughter. But when his boss’s teenage daughter Jenny vanishes, he’s called upon to re-employ the skills that made him a legendary figure in the shadowy world of black ops ... (more)
In cinemas starting March 7, 2025
Mickey 17 (2025)
A rated R science fiction movie starring Robert Pattinson, Mark Ruffalo and Toni Collette
Mickey 17 is an "expendable", a disposable employee, on a human expedition sent to colonize the ice world Niflheim. After one iteration dies, a new body is regenerated with most of its memories intact.
Eden (2025)
A rated R thriller starring Jude Law, Sydney Sweeney and Ana de Armas
In a turbulent time, various people are searching for a new life on the uninhabited Galápagos island of Floreana. Conflicts, power games and dangerous vanities between the characters escalate and lead to unexpected twists and turns. A gripping drama about humanity and the struggle for survival.