Image of The Mandalorian


Release dates

Season 3

Disney+ March 1, 2023


Set five years after the events depicted in Return of the Jedi and the downfall of the Galactic Empire, The Mandalorian revolves around the main character Din Djarin, a solitary bounty hunter from the Mandalorian community, venturing into the outskirts of the galaxy. Tasked by Imperial remnants to retrieve a young child named Grogu, Din Djarin instead decides to protect the infant and goes on the run. Their primary objective becomes reuniting Grogu with others of his kind, but their pursuit is relentlessly shadowed by Moff Gideon, who seeks to exploit Grogu's extraordinary connection to the Force. Ultimately, the duo embarks on a journey to Mandalore, where Din Djarin hopes to find redemption for a deeply ingrained violation of the Mandalorian creed: taking off his helmet.


Release dates

Season 3

Disney+ March 1, 2023

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