Michael B. Jordan
All informations about every movie and show with the involvement of Michael B. Jordan.
In cinemas starting April 18, 2025
Sinners (2025)
A horror movie starring Michael B. Jordan, Hailee Steinfeld and Jack O'Connell
In the 1930s, identical twin vampires return to their Southern hometown to leave their troubled lives behind and start again, only to discover that an even greater evil is waiting to welcome them back.
I Am Legend 2
A science fiction movie starring Will Smith and Michael B. Jordan
Creed III (2023)
A drama starring Michael B. Jordan, Jonathan Majors and Tessa Thompson
After dominating the boxing world, Adonis Creed has been thriving in both his career and family life. When a childhood friend and former boxing prodigy, Damian, resurfaces after serving a long sentence in prison, he is eager to prove that he deserves his shot in the ring. The face off between former friends is more than just a fight ... (more)
Space Jam: A New Legacy (2021)
A family movie starring LeBron James, Don Cheadle and Sonequa Martin-Green
NBA superstar LeBron James teams up with Bugs Bunny, the Looney Tunes, and other Warner Bros. characters in this long awaited sequel.
Fantastic Four (2015)
An action movie starring Miles Teller, Kate Mara and Michael B. Jordan
43% like the movie
Four young outsiders teleport to a dangerous universe, which alters their physical form in shocking ways. Their lives irrevocably upended, the team must learn to harness their daunting new abilities and work together to save Earth from a former friend turned enemy.
Black Panther (2018)
An action movie starring Chadwick Boseman, Andy Serkis and Michael B. Jordan
77% like the movie
In the nation of Wakanda, a warrior becomes the first Black Panther and unites the tribes. In present day, T'Challa returns to assume the throne, facing challenges from rivals and discovering the true power of Wakanda. With the fate of the nation at stake, T'Challa must rally his allies for the ultimate battle.