Jack O'Connell
All informations about every movie and show with the involvement of Jack O'Connell.
In cinemas starting June 20, 2025
28 Years Later (2025)
A horror movie starring Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Ralph Fiennes and Jodie Comer
It's been almost three decades since the Rage virus escaped from a biological weapons lab, and a strictly enforced quarantine is still in place. Some people have found ways to survive among the infected. One such group of survivors lives on a small island connected to the mainland by a single, heavily defended causeway ... (more)
In cinemas starting April 18, 2025
Sinners (2025)
A horror movie starring Michael B. Jordan, Hailee Steinfeld and Jack O'Connell
In the 1930s, identical twin vampires return to their Southern hometown to leave their troubled lives behind and start again, only to discover that an even greater evil is waiting to welcome them back.
300: Rise of an Empire (2014)
An action movie starring Sullivan Stapleton, Eva Green and Lena Headey
62% like the movie
Based on Frank Miller's latest graphic novel Xerxes and told in the breathtaking visual style of the blockbuster "300," this new chapter of the epic saga takes the action to a fresh battlefield--on the sea--as Greek general Themistokles attempts to unite all of Greece by leading the charge that will change the course of the war ... (more)
Tulip Fever (2017)
A drama starring Alicia Vikander, Dane DeHaan and Zach Galifianakis
62% like the movie
An artist falls for a married young woman while he's commissioned to paint her portrait. The two invest in the risky tulip market in hopes to build a future together.
Seberg (2019)
A drama starring Kristen Stewart, Jack O'Connell and Anthony Mackie
Seberg is inspired by true events about the French New Wave darling and Breathless star, Jean Seberg, who in the late 1960s was targeted by the FBI because of her support of the civil rights movement and romantic involvement with Hakim Jamal, among others ... (more)
Money Monster (2016)
A thriller starring George Clooney, Julia Roberts and Jack O'Connell
65% like the movie
Financial TV host Lee Gates and his producer Patty are put in an extreme situation when an irate investor takes over their studio.