Joseph Millson
All informations about every movie and show with the involvement of Joseph Millson.
In cinemas starting April 11, 2025
The Amateur (2025)
A movie starring Rami Malek, Rachel Brosnahan and Laurence Fishburne
After his wife is tragically killed in a London terrorist attack, a CIA cryptographer demands his bosses go after the killers. When it becomes clear they won’t act due to conflicting internal priorities, he blackmails the agency into training him and letting him go after them himself.
River of Blood
A movie starring Joseph Millson, Sarah Alexandra Marks and David Wayman
Four kayakers take the wrong river into a jungle inhabited by a tribe of merciless cannibals.
All the Devil's Men (2018)
A movie starring Sylvia Hoeks, William Fichtner and Gbenga Akinnagbe
A battle-scarred War on Terror bounty hunter is forced to go to London on a manhunt for a disavowed CIA operative, which leads him into a deadly running battle with a former military comrade and his private army.
James Bond: Casino Royale (2006)
A movie starring Daniel Craig, Eva Green and Mads Mikkelsen
James Bond receives his 00 license and is assigned to stop the terrorist banker Le Chiffre. After Bond prevents a plane bombing and Le Chiffre loses all his money, a Texas Hold'em poker tournament is held in Montenegro. Bond wins, but the woman he has fallen in love with is in danger and Bond must save her.