Philip Fornah
All informations about every movie and show with the involvement of Philip Fornah.
In cinemas starting April 18, 2025
Sinners (2025)
A horror movie starring Michael B. Jordan, Hailee Steinfeld and Jack O'Connell
In the 1930s, identical twin vampires return to their Southern hometown to leave their troubled lives behind and start again, only to discover that an even greater evil is waiting to welcome them back.
Between Worlds (2018)
A thriller starring Nicolas Cage, Franka Potente and Penelope Mitchell
Joe—a down-on-his-luck truck driver haunted by the memory of his deceased wife and child—meets Julie, a spiritually gifted woman who enlists his help in a desperate effort to find the lost soul of her comatose daughter. But the spirit of Joe's dead wife proves stronger, possessing the young woman's body and determined to settle her unfinished business with the living.
Naked (2017)
A comedy movie starring Marlon Wayans, Regina Hall and Dennis Haysbert
53% like the movie
Following a wild night out with his Best Man, Rob Anderson wakes up to find himself naked in an elevator on the morning of his wedding day and is forced to relive the morning over and over again.
American Ultra (2015)
A comedy movie starring Jesse Eisenberg, Kristen Stewart and Connie Britton
61% like the movie
American Ultra is a fast-paced action comedy about Mike, a seemingly hapless and unmotivated stoner whose small-town life with his live-in girlfriend, Phoebe, is suddenly turned upside down. Unbeknownst to him, Mike is actually a highly trained, lethal sleeper agent ... (more)
Big George Foreman (2023)
A drama starring Khris Davis, Sullivan Jones and Philip Fornah
Fueled by an impoverished childhood, Foreman channeled his anger into becoming an Olympic Gold medalist and World Heavyweight Champion, followed by a near-death experience that took him from the boxing ring to the pulpit ... (more)
Praise This (2023)
A comedy movie starring Chloe Bailey, Anjelika Washington and Quavo
When aspiring musical superstar Sam is forced to join her cousin's struggling, underdog praise team in the lead-up to a national championship competition, she sees an opportunity to finally make her dreams come true.