Image of Venom 3: The Last Dance


Runtime 109 minutes

Release dates

Theaters October 25, 2024


The US action film "Venom: The Last Dance" continues the story of Eddie Brock and the Venom symbiote, who are on the run after their battle with Carnage. As Eddie becomes embroiled in the murder of Patrick Mulligan, which makes international headlines, a new threat emerges: a creature called Xenophage, which preys on Eddie and Venom. At the same time, General Rex Strickland from the government organization Imperium becomes aware of the two, as they are holding other symbiotes captive in Area 51 and investigating them. It turns out that Mulligan survived his encounter with Carnage and is captured, becoming bonded with another symbiote. The Empire researchers want to learn more about the purpose of the symbiotes, while Strickland is ordered to hunt down Venom. During their escape, Eddie and Venom are attacked by the Xenophage and learn that these creatures were sent by Knull, the creator of the symbiotes, to find a codex that could be created when a host is revived by a symbiote and free Knull from his prison. Since Venom has already revived Eddie, he carries this codex within him. There are several confrontations with Strickland and the Xenophage until Eddie meets Martin Moon and his group of alien enthusiasts. A showdown ensues in Area 51, where more symbiotes are freed and bond with other hosts to fend off the xenophage.


Runtime 109 minutes

Release dates

Theaters October 25, 2024


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The production of "Venom: The Last Dance" is the third installment of the Venom trilogy and the fifth film within Sony's Spider-Man Universe (SSU). Tom Hardy not only returned in the title role of Venom/Eddie Brock, but was also involved in the script and production, along with Kelly Marcel, who also directed. Pre-production began in February 2023 and the cast also includes Juno Temple as Dr. Teddy Payne/Agony, Chiwetel Ejiofor as General Rex Strickland, Stephen Graham as Patrick Mulligan/Toxin, Peggy Lu as Mrs. Chen, Rhys Ifans as Martin Moon, Alanna Ubach as Nova Moon, Clark Backo as Dr. Sadie Christmas/Lasher and Andy Serkis as Knull.

The budget for the production was 120 million US dollars. Filming began in Spain on June 26, 2023, but was interrupted in July 2023 due to the strike by the actors' union SAG-AFTRA. It is expected that further filming took place in London. Fabian Wagner acted as cinematographer. The world premiere took place on October 21, 2024 in New York City. The theatrical release in the USA was initially announced for October 2024, then brought forward to July 2024 and finally postponed again to October 25, 2024 due to production delays. Reviews of the film are described as mixed, with the dynamic between Eddie and Venom being praised but the plot criticized as disjointed.

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