Justin Rosniak
All informations about every movie and show with the involvement of Justin Rosniak.
War Machine (2017)
A drama starring Brad Pitt, Tilda Swinton and Anthony Michael Hall
60% like the movie
A rock star general bent on winning the “impossible” war in Afghanistan takes us inside the complex machinery of modern war. Inspired by the true story of General Stanley McChrystal.
In cinemas starting May 2, 2025
The Surfer (2025)
A thriller starring Nicolas Cage, Julian McMahon and Justin Rosniak
When a man returns to his beachside hometown in Australia, many years since building a life for himself in the U.S., he is humiliated in front of his teenage son by a local gang of surfers who claim strict ownership over the secluded beach of his childhood. Wounded, he decides to remain at the beach, declaring war against those in control of the bay ... (more)
Last King of the Cross
Ein Serie mit Callan Mulvey, Lincoln Younes and Tim Roth
Inspired by John Ibrahim's best-selling autobiography, this series is an operatic story of two brothers, Sam and John Ibrahim who organize the street but lose each other in their ascent to power ... (more)
Mr Inbetween
Father. Ex-husband. Boyfriend. Criminal.
Ein Serie mit Scott Ryan, Chika Yasumura and Brooke Satchwell
Ray Shoesmith is a father, ex-husband, boyfriend and best friend: tough roles to juggle in the modern age. Even harder when you’re a criminal for hire.