Brad Pitt
All information about every movie and show with the involvement of Brad Pitt.
In cinemas since March 7, 2025
Mickey 17 (2025)
A rated R science fiction movie starring Robert Pattinson, Mark Ruffalo and Toni Collette
Mickey 17 is an "expendable", a disposable employee, on a human expedition sent to colonize the ice world Niflheim. After one iteration dies, a new body is regenerated with most of its memories intact.
March 13, 2025
Ein Serie mit Stephen Graham, Erin Doherty and Owen Cooper
When a 13-year-old is accused of the murder of a classmate, his family, therapist and the detective in charge are all left asking: what really happened?
In cinemas starting June 27, 2025
F1 (2025)
A sports movie starring Brad Pitt, Damson Idris and Javier Bardem
Sonny Hayes was a successful Formula 1 driver in the 1990s, but had to end his career after an accident. He returns from retirement when he is contacted by the team boss of the Formula 1 racing team APXGP to support the rookie Joshua Pearce. For Hayes, this appointment as Pearce's teammate is a last chance for glory. The plot is partly based on real Formula 1 races and events.
Bullet Train (2022)
An rated R action movie starring Brad Pitt, Joey King and Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Bullet Train: This is the name given to the Shinkansen train on the Tokyo - Kyoto route, as it races back and forth between the two cities at an incredible 320 kilometers per hour without stopping. Getting off is impossible. Also on board the Shinkansen is Ladybug, a down-on-his-luck hitman who is to take out his next victim on the high-speed train ... (more)
Deadpool 2 (2018)
An rated R action movie starring Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin and Morena Baccarin
After surviving a near fatal bovine attack, a disfigured cafeteria chef struggles to fulfill his dream of becoming Mayberry's hottest bartender while also learning to cope with his lost sense of taste ... (more)
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (2024)
A rated PG-13 comedy movie starring Jenna Ortega, Michael Keaton and Winona Ryder
Beetlejuice is back! After an unexpected family tragedy, three generations of the Deetz family return home to Winter River. Still haunted by Beetlejuice, Lydia's life is turned upside down when her rebellious teenage daughter, Astrid, discovers the mysterious model of the town in the attic and the portal to the Afterlife is accidentally opened ... (more)