In cinemas starting January 20, 2026
Aang: The Last Airbender (2026)
An animation movie starring Dante Basco
A sequel to the animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender. The film will follow Avatar Aang and his friends after the events of the original series. Plot unknown.
In cinemas starting July 2, 2025
Jurassic World Rebirth (2025)
An action movie starring Scarlett Johansson, Mahershala Ali and Jonathan Bailey
Five years after the events of Jurassic World Dominion, covert operations expert Zora Bennett is contracted to lead a skilled team on a top-secret mission to secure genetic material from the world's three most massive dinosaurs ... (more)
In cinemas starting June 13, 2025
How to Train Your Dragon (2025)
A rated PG fantasy movie starring Mason Thames, Nico Parker and Gerard Butler
On the rugged isle of Berk, where Vikings and dragons have been bitter enemies for generations, Hiccup stands apart, defying centuries of tradition when he befriends Toothless, a feared Night Fury dragon. Their unlikely bond reveals the true nature of dragons, challenging the very foundations of Viking society.
In cinemas starting December 19, 2025
Avatar 3: Fire and Ash (2025)
A science fiction movie starring Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldaña and Stephen Lang
In cinemas starting May 23, 2025
Mission Impossible 8: The Final Reckoning (2025)
An action movie starring Tom Cruise, Hayley Atwell and Vanessa Kirby
The plot continues seamlessly from the end of part 7. For the first time in the history of the series, two films tell a coherent story. "Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part 1" ended with Ethan and his team going on the hunt for the sunken Russian submarine Sevastopol ... (more)
In cinemas starting May 2, 2025
Thunderbolts* (2025)
An action movie starring Florence Pugh, Sebastian Stan and David Harbour
Depressed assassin Yelena Belova joins forces with the MCU's least expected band of misfits: US Agent John Walker, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, Red Guardian, Taskmaster and Ghost.