Spider-Man 4
The next installment of the MCU Spider-Man franchise: a sequel to "Spider-Man: No Way Home" and the first in a possible new trilogy. Plot unknown.
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Recent news for Spider-Man 4
- Destin Daniel Cretton is the New Director for Spider-Man 4!"Beyond the Spider-Verse" is set to make significant savings in return
- Rumor: Spider-Man 4 Will Once Again Focus on the MultiverseA meeting of Spider-Man and Venom could be possible
- Hollywood insider gives insights into Marvel's projectsWolverine and Hulk to compete against each other
- Rumor: Sam Raimi to Direct "Spider-Man 4"Raimi has previously worked on "Doctor Strange 2" in the MCU
- Rumor: Spider-Man 4 Starts Filming in FallProduction of "Euphoria" season 3 is delayed
- Spider-Man 4: Clash of Interests Between Marvel and SonyThe movie's future is on shaky ground
- Insider states: Daredevil & Ant-Man in "Spider-Man 4"The whole thing is supposed to be reminiscent of "Captain America 3: Civil War"
- MCU: Who Will Succeed Tony Stark as Leader of the Avengers?The new villain Kang does not make it easy for the superheroes
- Spider-Man 4: Marvel Boss Officially Talks About the Movie for the First TimeThere is also some info about the production
- Spider-Man 4: This Prevents the Production from a Quick Start of FilmingThere is also a behind-the-scenes pic of Vulture