Four years after the events in San Diego and on Isla Sorna, and eight years after the events on Isla Nublar, the whole world knows about the existence of the cloned dinosaurs on Isla Sorna. For this reason, the island has been declared a restricted area and monitored by the Costa Rican Aviation Authority to ensure that no one enters the island.
Ben Hildebrand and his girlfriend's twelve-year-old son, Eric Kirby, embark on an illegal boat trip to Isla Sorna to view the prehistoric creatures from a distance. As they paraglide over the island, their boat suddenly disappears into the fog and Ben cuts the connecting line to avoid being pulled into the abyss with them. They try to land on the island....
In the U.S., Jurassic Park survivor Dr. Alan Grant, a paleontologist, has made a new discovery about the intelligence of velociraptors, but is struggling to get funding for his research. Grant hypothesizes that velociraptors were highly socially evolved and would have become the dominant species on Earth had they not gone extinct. His assistant Billy Brennan actively supports Grant.
The two researchers are persuaded by the wealthy Kirby couple to accompany them on a sightseeing flight over Isla Sorna. On approach to the island, Grant argues with the Kirbys, who want to land on the island. When he tries to stop them from landing, he is knocked unconscious from behind.
Grant regains consciousness on the ground and notices that the Kirbys are outside handling megaphones. Not a good idea! The noise summons a giant spinosaurus to the scene. Panicked, the group tries to launch the plane, but the dinosaur catches the tail. The group crashes back into the forest posthaste. The Kirbys, Dr. Grant and his assistant Billy are now on their own.
The "married couple" confess to Grant that they are on the island to search for their son Eric, who has been missing for eight weeks, and are neither married nor wealthy. Grant plans to make his way to shore to be evacuated, despite the protesting parents. The boy couldn't possibly have survived.
But when the group finds Eric's paraglider and video camera, they make their way to the former research center in hopes of finding the child there. However, the research center belongs to the territory of the raptors...
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