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Action blockbuster or thriller indie movie? Find the right film for you and your friends with ease.
Available on March 14, 2025 since Netflix
The Electric State (2025)
A rated PG-13 science fiction movie starring Millie Bobby Brown, Chris Pratt and Brian Cox
In a retro-futuristic 1990s, teenager Michelle teams with a sentient robot, Cosmo, to uncover the truth about her missing brother, Christopher. Their journey through the desert reveals dark secrets and a vibrant world filled with quirky animatronic allies.
Available on May 1, 2025 starting Prime Video
Another Simple Favor (2025)
A thriller starring Anna Kendrick, Blake Lively and Henry Golding
Stephanie Smothers and Emily Nelson reunite on the beautiful island of Capri, Italy for Emily’s extravagant wedding to a rich Italian businessman. Along with the glamorous guests, expect murder and betrayal to RSVP for a wedding with more twists and turns than the road from the Marina Grande to the Capri town square.
Available on April 25, 2025 starting Netflix
Havoc (2025)
An action movie starring Tom Hardy, Forest Whitaker and Timothy Olyphant
After a drug deal gone wrong, a bruised detective must fight his way through a criminal underworld to rescue a politician’s estranged son, while unraveling a deep web of corruption and conspiracy that ensnares his entire city.
In cinemas since February 28, 2025
Last Breath (2025)
A rated PG-13 drama starring Woody Harrelson, Simu Liu and Djimon Hounsou
A diver is stranded on the bottom of the North Sea, and when his umbilical cord snaps because of rough seas and an equipment mishap on the ship above, he is left with only five minutes of oxygen, in total darkness and freezing water, with no chance of rescue for at least thirty minutes.
In cinemas starting March 28, 2025
A Working Man (2025)
An rated R action movie starring Jason Statham, David Harbour and Michael Peña
Levon Cade has left his profession behind him to go ‘straight’ and work in construction. He wants to live a simple life and be a good father to his daughter. But when his boss’s teenage daughter Jenny vanishes, he’s called upon to re-employ the skills that made him a legendary figure in the shadowy world of black ops ... (more)
Eden (2025)
A rated R thriller starring Jude Law, Sydney Sweeney and Ana de Armas
In a turbulent time, various people are searching for a new life on the uninhabited Galápagos island of Floreana. Conflicts, power games and dangerous vanities between the characters escalate and lead to unexpected twists and turns. A gripping drama about humanity and the struggle for survival.