In cinemas starting November 7, 2025
Predator: Badlands (2025)
A movie starring Elle Fanning
In "Predator: Badlands," twin sisters Thia and Tessa embark on a thrilling journey in a futuristic setting, clashing in personality as they face an alien hunter. Their emotional struggle becomes the heart of a gripping survival tale.
In cinemas starting November 7, 2025
The Running Man (2025)
A movie starring Glen Powell, Josh Brolin and Lee Pace
Follows a man who joins a game show in which contestants, allowed to go anywhere in the world, are chased by "Hunters" employed to kill them.
In cinemas starting November 7, 2025
Bugonia (2025)
A movie starring Emma Stone and Jesse Plemons
Two conspiracy-obsessed young men kidnap the high-powered CEO of a major company, convinced that she is an alien intent on destroying planet Earth.
In cinemas starting December 19, 2025
Avatar 3: Fire and Ash (2025)
A movie starring Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldaña and Stephen Lang
In cinemas starting January 2, 2026
Soulm8te (2026)
A man acquires an artificially intelligent android to cope with the loss of his recently deceased wife, but in an attempt to create a truly sentient partner, he inadvertently turns a harmless lovebot into a deadly soulmate.
In cinemas starting January 16, 2026
28 Years Later 2: The Bone Temple (2026)