In cinemas starting September 26, 2025
The Bride! (2025)
A horror movie starring Christian Bale, Jake Gyllenhaal and Penélope Cruz
A lonely Frankenstein travels to 1930s Chicago to seek the aide of a Dr. Euphronius in creating a companion for himself. The two reinvigorate a murdered young woman and the Bride is born. She is beyond what either of them intended, igniting a combustible romance, the attention of the police and a wild and radical social movement.
In cinemas starting September 26, 2025
Saw XI (2025)
A horror movie
The continuation of Saw X and the eleventh installment in the 'Saw' franchise. Premise TBA.
In cinemas starting October 17, 2025
The Black Phone 2 (2025)
A horror movie starring Ethan Hawke, Mason Thames and Madeleine McGraw
In cinemas starting December 5, 2025
Five Nights at Freddy’s 2 (2025)
A horror movie starring Josh Hutcherson, Matthew Lillard and Piper Rubio
In cinemas starting December 25, 2025
Anaconda (2025)
A comedy movie starring Jack Black, Paul Rudd and Daniela Melchior
Circus performers stranded in rainforest after anaconda attacks boat. Encounter poacher hunting anaconda, who sees them as bait. Performers use circus skills for survival against deadly threat.
In cinemas starting December 25, 2025
Return of the Living Dead (2025)
A horror movie starring Alexander Ward
Taking place 18 months after the events at the UNEEDA Warehouse in Louisville, KY, a new Trioxin 2-4-5 leak puts a small Pennsylvania town on the brink of a zombie outbreak during Christmas 1985.