In cinemas starting August 15, 2025
Mercy (2025)
A movie starring Chris Pratt, Rebecca Ferguson and Annabelle Wallis
Set in the near future when capital crime has increased, a detective is accused of a violent crime and forced to prove his innocence.
In cinemas starting October 10, 2025
TRON 3: Ares (2025)
A movie starring Jared Leto, Evan Peters and Greta Lee
"Tron 3" promises an exciting adventure when the computer program Ares invades the real world. Will he destroy humanity or adapt?
In cinemas starting October 24, 2025
Mortal Kombat 2 (2025)
A movie starring Lewis Tan, Jessica McNamee and Mehcad Brooks
'Mortal Kombat 2' intensifies the battle against Shang Tsung, hinting at an imminent showdown between Earth and Outworld. The anticipated sequel promises the return of classic characters and a deeper exploration of the tournament's lore, building up excitement for fans.
In cinemas starting November 7, 2025
Predator: Badlands (2025)
A movie starring Elle Fanning
In "Predator: Badlands," twin sisters Thia and Tessa embark on a thrilling journey in a futuristic setting, clashing in personality as they face an alien hunter. Their emotional struggle becomes the heart of a gripping survival tale.
In cinemas starting December 19, 2025
Avatar 3: Fire and Ash (2025)
A movie starring Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldaña and Stephen Lang
In cinemas starting January 20, 2026
Aang: The Last Airbender (2026)
A movie starring Dante Basco
A sequel to the animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender. The film will follow Avatar Aang and his friends after the events of the original series. Plot unknown.