Image of The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles
Poster of The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles

The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles


Genres Action & Drama

Release dates

Season 1

TV March 4, 1992


"The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles" is a television series that focuses on the early adventures of Indiana Jones. The series' plot follows Indy in his youth and in his 20s, as he travels around the world and interacts with different historical events and figures.

In each episode, Indy travels to a new place and meets different historical figures such as Theodore Roosevelt, Pablo Picasso, Sigmund Freud and Lawrence of Arabia. He has various adventures and participates in cultural and political events, such as World War I, the Russian Revolution and the Paris Peace Treaty.

The series also shows how Indy discovers his love for the profession of archaeologist and prepares for his career as a professor and adventurer. Later episodes also take a closer look at his relationship with his father, Dr. Henry Jones Sr.


Genres Action & Drama

Release dates

Season 1

TV March 4, 1992

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