Roland Møller
All information about every movie and show with the involvement of Roland Møller.
The Commuter (2018)
A thriller starring Liam Neeson, Vera Farmiga and Patrick Wilson
63% like the movie
A businessman on his daily commute home gets unwittingly caught up in a criminal conspiracy that threatens not only his life but the lives of those around him.
Skyscraper (2018)
An action movie starring Dwayne Johnson, Neve Campbell and Pablo Schreiber
Former FBI Hostage Rescue Team leader and U.S. war veteran Will Ford, who now assesses security for skyscrapers, is on assignment in China when he finds the tallest, safest building in the world suddenly ablaze, and he’s being framed for it. On the run, he has to save his family still in the building.
April 28, 2023
Ein Serie mit Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Richard Madden and Stanley Tucci
Global spy agency Citadel has fallen, and its agents' memories were wiped clean. Now the powerful syndicate, Manticore, is rising in the void. Can the Citadel agents recollect their past and summon the strength to fight back?
Riders of Justice (2021)
A comedy movie starring Mads Mikkelsen, Nikolaj Lie Kaas and Lars Brygmann
Markus, a deployed military man, has to go home to his teenage daughter, Mathilde, when his wife dies in a tragic train accident. It seems to be plain bad luck - but it turns out that it might have been a carefully orchestrated assassination, which his wife ended up being a random casualty of.
Atomic Blonde (2017)
A thriller starring Charlize Theron, John Goodman and James McAvoy
67% like the movie
A high-stakes, global action-thriller that takes place in the city of Berlin, on the eve of the Wall’s collapse and the shifting of superpower alliances. Charlize Theron portrays Lorraine Broughton, a top-level spy for MI6, who is dispatched to Berlin to take down a ruthless espionage ring that has just killed an undercover agent for reasons unknown ... (more)
Black Lotus (2023)
An action movie starring Frank Grillo, Rico Verhoeven and Peter Franzén
An ex-special forces operative wages a one man war through the streets of Amsterdam to rescue his friend's daughter from the local crime syndicate.