Marco D'Amore
All informations about every movie and show with the involvement of Marco D'Amore.
The Immortal
A thriller starring Marco D'Amore, Giuseppe Aiello and Salvatore D'Onofrio
After reuniting with his first mentor Bruno and receiving his latest mission, an exiled Ciro is left to fearlessly confront whatever comes his way, navigating a new chapter of gang warfare while grappling with devastating memories of loss and trauma ... (more)
Drive Me Home (2019)
A drama starring Nicola Adobati, Lou Castel and Marco D'Amore
Antonio and Agostino grew up together in a small town in Sicily; they dreamt of living a different life, somewhere else. Now thirty-year-olds, they both live abroad but they lost touch years ago. When Antonio discovers that the house he grew up in, which had been empty for a long time, is about to be sold at auction, he decides to leave and reconnects with his childhood friend ... (more)