María Gabriela de Faría
All informations about every movie and show with the involvement of María Gabriela de Faría.
In cinemas starting July 11, 2025
Superman (2025)
A movie starring David Corenswet, Rachel Brosnahan and Nicholas Hoult
Discover an exciting upcoming film centered on a different aspect of Clark Kent's life, exploring his journey as a journalist and unique perspective on other superheroes. Packed with iconic characters like Superman, Lois Lane, Lex Luthor, and Krypto the Superdog.
The Exorcism of God (2022)
A movie starring Will Beinbrink, María Gabriela de Faría and Irán Castillo
An American priest working in Mexico is considered a saint by many local parishioners. However, due to a botched exorcism, he carries a secret that’s eating him alive until he gets an opportunity to face his demon one final time.
The Duel (2024)
A movie starring Dylan Sprouse, Callan McAuliffe and Patrick Warburton
When Woody finds out his best friend has been sleeping with his girlfriend, he challenges him to a duel, taking their friend group across the border to a mysterious and stunning estate.