Dmitri Iosifov
All informations about every movie and show with the involvement of Dmitri Iosifov.
Pinocchio: A True Story (2022)
An animation movie starring Dmitri Iosifov
Young Pinocchio runs away from his genius creator Jepetto accompanied by the horse Tibalt to see the world and joins the traveling circus run by hustler Modjafocco. This is here where all the incredible adventure begins...
Champion of the World
A drama starring Konstantin Khabenskiy, Ivan Yankovsky and Владимир Вдовиченков
Some sporting victories are about more than just claiming a title. Some of them go down in history. The film follows the most dramatic and legendary showdown in the history of chess – the match between Anatoly Karpov, then world champion, and Viktor Korchnoi, a recent emigrant from the USSR ... (more)