Steven Elder
All information about every movie and show with the involvement of Steven Elder.
Hounds of War (2024)
An action movie starring Frank Grillo, Robert Patrick and Nicky Whelan
After a mission goes wrong, only one of a group of mercenaries is left alive to avenge his fallen brothers.
The King (2019)
A history movie starring Timothée Chalamet, Joel Edgerton and Robert Pattinson
Hal, wayward prince and reluctant heir to the English throne, has turned his back on royal life and is living among the people. But when his tyrannical father dies, Hal is crowned King Henry V and is forced to embrace the life he had previously tried to escape ... (more)
The Winter King
Before Britain, there was Arthur.
Ein Serie mit Iain De Caestecker, Stuart Campbell and Ellie James
Bastard son Arthur returns to the land he's been banished from to find a kingdom in chaos. Seeking the aid of his oldest confidants, Arthur aims to right Britain's path as he faces the most unexpected of obstacles.
Seized (2020)
An action movie starring Scott Adkins, Mario Van Peebles and Steven Elder
Carl Rizk, an ex-covert operative who's moved to a small quiet town in Oregon to raise his son and daughter gets awakened by a phone call and message from a modulated voice telling him that both his children have been kidnapped and buried alive with just enough air to survive for the next 5 hours ... (more)