Ella Anderson
All informations about every movie and show with the involvement of Ella Anderson.
Henry Danger: The Movie (2025)
An adventure movie starring Jace Norman, Sean Ryan Fox and Ella Anderson
Henry Hart has been serving as the city of Dystopia's local hero after leaving behind his Swellview days. Just as the trappings of fame begin to weigh on him, a transformative twist unfolds with the introduction of Missy Martin, a dedicated superfan who unexpectedly turns his world upside down.
The Heyday of the Insensitive Bastards (2016)
A drama starring James Franco, Natalie Portman and Kristen Wiig
Seven vignettes explore the difference between fantasy and reality, memory and history, and the joy and agony of the human condition.
The Glass Castle (2017)
A drama starring Woody Harrelson, Brie Larson and Naomi Watts
71% like the movie
A young girl is raised in a dysfunctional family constantly on the run from the FBI. Living in poverty, she comes of age guided by her drunkard, ingenious father who distracts her with magical stories to keep her mind off the family's dire state, and her selfish, nonconformist mother who has no intention of raising a family, along with her younger brother and sister, and her other older sister ... (more)
Mother's Day (2016)
A comedy movie starring Jennifer Aniston, Julia Roberts and Kate Hudson
56% like the movie
Intersecting stories with different moms collide on Mother's Day.
The Boss (2016)
A comedy movie starring Melissa McCarthy, Peter Dinklage and Kristen Bell
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A titan of industry is sent to prison after she's caught for insider trading. When she emerges ready to rebrand herself as America's latest sweetheart, not everyone she screwed over is so quick to forgive and forget.
Unfinished Business (2015)
A comedy movie starring Vince Vaughn, Dave Franco and James Marsden
54% like the movie
A hard-working small business owner and his two associates travel to Europe to close the most important deal of their lives. But what began as a routine business trip goes off the rails in every imaginable – and unimaginable – way, including unplanned stops at a massive sex fetish event and a global economic summit.