Sebastian Fräsdorf
All information about every movie and show with the involvement of Sebastian Fräsdorf.
Text for You (2016)
A lovestory starring Karoline Herfurth, Katja Riemann and Frederick Lau
66% like the movie
Sports writer Mark is baffled when he receives romantic text messages on his cell phone. What he does not know: His new number once belonged to the deceased boyfriend of Clara, who continues to send text messages in order to cope with the loss. When Mark's girlfriend discovers the texts, she is understandably upset. Along with his best friend David, Mark sets out to find the mysterious writer.
A drama starring Charly Hübner, Peter Franke and Hildegard Schmahl
Ingwer, 47 years old and a lecturer at Kiel University, has been wondering for some time where his place in life might actually be. When his "olen" can no longer manage on their own, he decides to get to the bottom of it, turning his back on his chair at the university and his life in the city to spend a sabbatical in his home village of Brinkebüll in the North Frisian nowhere ... (more)
Darling.Sister (2019)
A drama starring Karin Hanczewski, Sebastian Fräsdorf and Godehard Giese
Franz and Lilly run their father's cattle farm together. While Franz is perfectly happy with his life as a cowboy, Lilly dreams of a bigger life. That's when she meets Chris, a musician, with whom she starts a romantic affair.
Hands of a Mother (2016)
A drama starring Andreas Döhler, Jessica Schwarz and Katrin Pollitt
69% like the movie
A family reunion aboard a ship becomes a turning point in the life of 39-year-old engineer Markus. When his son Adam gets a little cut after going to the bathroom with his grandmother Renate, Markus recalls for the first time what his mother did to him when he was a little boy ... (more)
Auf Augenhöhe (2016)
A comedy movie starring Jordan Prentice, Luis Vorbach and Anica Dobra
69% like the movie