Mick Jagger
All information about every movie and show with the involvement of Mick Jagger.
Get on Up (2014)
A music movie starring Chadwick Boseman, Nelsan Ellis and Dan Aykroyd
69% like the movie
A chronicle of James Brown's rise from extreme poverty to become one of the most influential musicians in history.
My Generation (2017)
A documentary starring Michael Caine, Joan Collins and David Bailey
The vivid and inspiring story of British film icon Michael Caine's personal journey through 1960s swinging London.
Amazing Grace (2019)
A documentary starring Aretha Franklin, Sydney Pollack and James Cleveland
A behind-the-scenes documentary about the recording of Aretha Franklin's best-selling album finally sees the light of day more than four decades after the original footage was shot.
20 Feet from Stardom (2013)
A music movie starring Bette Midler, Mick Jagger and Sting
74% like the movie
Backup singers live in a world that lies just beyond the spotlight. Their voices bring harmony to the biggest bands in popular music, but we've had no idea who these singers are or what lives they lead, until now.