Mariela Garriga
All information about every movie and show with the involvement of Mariela Garriga.
In cinemas starting May 23, 2025
Mission Impossible 8: The Final Reckoning (2025)
An action movie starring Tom Cruise, Hayley Atwell and Vanessa Kirby
The plot continues seamlessly from the end of part 7. For the first time in the history of the series, two films tell a coherent story. "Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part 1" ended with Ethan and his team going on the hunt for the sunken Russian submarine Sevastopol ... (more)
A horror movie starring Seann William Scott, Cassandra Ballard and Mariela Garriga
Evan values family above all else, and anyone who gets between him, his wife, and newborn son learns that the hard way. But when it comes to violent tendencies, it seems the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
When No One Sees Us
Ein Serie mit Austin Amelio, Maribel Verdú and Mariela Garriga
Set against the dramatic backdrop of the Spanish Holy Week celebrations, two policewomen try to solve a series of crimes in the Andalusian town of Morón de la Frontera, in the political and cultural region of Seville’s so-called 'deep Spain', which is home to one of the biggest international U.S. military bases.