Alice Lowe
All informations about every movie and show with the involvement of Alice Lowe.
The World's End (2013)
A comedy movie starring Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and Martin Freeman
70% like the movie
Five friends who reunite in an attempt to top their epic pub crawl from 20 years earlier unwittingly become humankind's only hope for survival.
Paddington (2014)
A family movie starring Ben Whishaw, Nicole Kidman and Peter Capaldi
72% like the movie
After a deadly earthquake destroys his home in Peruvian rainforest, a young bear makes his way to England in search of a new home. The bear, dubbed "Paddington" for the london train station, finds shelter with the family of Henry and Mary Brown ... (more)
Greatest Days
A music movie starring Aisling Bea, Jayde Adams and Alice Lowe
Five best friends have the night of their lives seeing their favourite boy band in concert. Twenty-five years later, their lives have changed in many different ways as they reunite for one more epic show by their beloved band, to relight their friendship and discover that maybe their greatest days are ahead of them.
Days of the Bagnold Summer
A comedy movie starring Earl Cave, Monica Dolan and Alice Lowe
Sue works in a library. Daniel eats crisps and listens to Metallica. This was the summer Daniel was due to spend with his father and his father’s new wife in Florida. But when they cancel his trip at the last minute, Sue and Daniel suddenly face the prospect of six long weeks together.
Locke (2014)
A thriller starring Tom Hardy, Ruth Wilson and Andrew Scott
71% like the movie
Ivan Locke has worked hard to craft a good life for himself. Tonight, that life will collapse around him. On the eve of the biggest challenge of his career, Ivan receives a phone call that sets in motion a series of events that will unravel his family, job, and soul.
Sightseers (2012)
A horror movie starring Alice Lowe, Steve Oram and Jonathan Aris
65% like the movie
Chris wants to show girlfriend Tina his world, but events soon conspire against the couple and their dream caravan holiday takes a very wrong turn.