Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht
All information about every movie and show with the involvement of Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht.
The Wild Soccer Bunch 6 (2016)
A family movie starring Wilson Gonzalez Ochsenknecht, Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht and Michael Sommerer
45% like the movie
To this very day kids believe stories of the Wild Soccer Bunch are the best in the whole world and that’s why Leo, Elias, Finn, Joshua, Oskar and Matze, replay their heroes’ legendary games every spare minute. One day a darkly dressed young man hands them a mysterious map that leads the boys into unknown territory ... (more)
Seitenwechsel (2016)
A comedy movie starring Wotan Wilke Möhring, Mina Tander and Ludger Pistor
53% like the movie
Diese Ochsenknechts
Ein Serie mit Natascha Ochsenknecht, Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht and Wilson Gonzalez Ochsenknecht
Sky's docu-soap about the life of the Ochsenknecht family with mother Natascha, siblings Cheyenne, Wilson Gonzalez and Jimi Blue as well as their family environment. The Ochsenknechts give "an exclusive insight" into their family life away from the cameras and flashbulbs - from the farm in Graz, via Hanover and Berlin to Tuscany and Mallorca.