Stuart Brennan
All information about every movie and show with the involvement of Stuart Brennan.
A fantasy movie starring Stuart Brennan, Jennifer English and Aliona Baranova
Revolt is on the horizon in the ancient city of Lloris, ruled with an iron fist by the merciless Sheriff and The Brute. Believing their mystical powers could help free the oppressed citizens from tyranny, a young human seeks out the aid of the reclusive elves and their legendary Warlord ... (more)
An action movie starring Stuart Brennan, Rosanna Miles and Suzanne Packer
A band of guardians are tasked with protecting a messenger who must urgently deliver vital information to their king. On their deadly quest across an ancient land, they face incredible danger as they battle against plague-ridden outcasts, dark magic, and vile monsters.
Assassin's Guild
An action movie starring Laura Masters, Rosanna Miles and Cellan Scott
In the aftermath of the devastating Mermaid Wars, the fractured, yet once great city of Iliad is under siege by dark forces. The infamous Goblin Hunter and the elite assassin, Atticus, must fight enemies both living and dead, in a desperate final bid to restore peace.
Wolf (2019)
A drama starring Stuart Brennan, Mark Paul Wake and George McCluskey
Great Britain. 150AD. When four messengers sent by Rome to a plague infected Caledonia, with a message of peace and help for their King, go missing Rome has no choice but to send ten of their finest across Hadrian's Wall to find and bring them back ... (more)
The Necromancer (2018)
A mystery movie starring Marcus Macleod, Stuart Brennan and Mark Paul Wake
When a group of soldiers decide to flee from the Napoleonic Wars, their journey home takes them through the Black Forest, leading them to a an ancient evil and a fight for their lives.