Only a few weeks left until the cinema release: "Avengers: Endgame" provides more and more information until the release

Chris Pratt with promising words for the Marvel fans

by Robin Klaiber on February 7, 2019

In exactly 73 days MCU Blockbuster Avengers Endgame will start in the cinemas. Until then, new information about the eagerly awaited Avängers will appear bit by bit.

One of them will please many fans: in an interview the directors Joe and Anthony Russo confirmed that the film could be the longest of the MCU with a current edditing time of about 3 hours. A similar assumption was already made in December, but is now finally official. At the moment the test screenings are in progress, which have produced very positive reactions from the audience. Regarding to the length of the film, Russo says that it was quite difficult to shoot a film that should be the crowning ending of a total of 22 films. After all, you have to have emotional scenes for the characters in addition to the exciting storytelling. Also Chris Pratt aka Star Lord was recently asked about Endgame in a talk show, and has put it very clearly in a nutshell: "Avengers keeps everything his predecessor promised and much more".

Image of Avatar 2, Guardians of the Galaxy 3, Avengers 4: Endgame