Gundam: Live-Action Adaptation of the Sci-Fi Anime Saga
The director and screenwriter for the adaptation has already been confirmed
There has long been speculation as to when and whether the project will be realized, but now it is becoming concrete: As the studios Legendary and Bandai officially announced in a press release, they are jointly producing a "Gundam" live-action film adaptation.
The Gundam Franchise
This will be the first live-action adaptation of the "Mobile Suit Gundam" universe. The franchise began in 1979 with the anime series of the same name. The core theme of the original series is an intergalactic war fought by robots called Mobile Suits.
The "Gundam" world is meanwhile overflowing, with over 80 series and films in total. Most recently, for example, the series "Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance" was released on Netflix.
Director and Screenplay
The announcement from Legendary and Bandai also reveals who will be creatively responsible for the project. Both the scriptwriter and director are to be Jim Mickle, who made a name for himself as the creator of the Netflix series "Sweet Tooth".
Originally, "Kong: Skull Island" director Jordan Vogt-Roberts was supposed to be in charge of the live-action adaptation. After Mickle's confirmation, he will probably no longer be involved in the project.
There is currently no information on the cast or even a release date. After all, the "Gundam" film is still at an early stage of development. We will of course keep you up to date with the latest developments.
Live-Action Adaptations of Science Fiction Animes and Mangas
"Gundam" is far from being the first live-action adaptation of a science fiction anime. In recent years in particular, there have been a steady stream of new film adaptations, some of which we would like to introduce to you here.
Ghost in the Shell
The live-action film adaptation of "Ghost in the Shell" from 2017, directed by Rupert Sanders, is an adaptation of the 1995 anime of the same name, which in turn is based on the manga by Masamune Shirow. Set in a futuristic world where humans can enhance their bodies with cyborg technology, the story follows protagonist Major Motoko Kusanagi (Scarlett Johansson), a cyborg agent who fights cybercrime.
The movie adaptation impressed many visually with a precise and detailed depiction of the futuristic world and was heavily inspired by the original in terms of aesthetics. However, despite the impressive visual realization and the philosophical themes of human identity and artificial intelligence, the film was not able to convince all fans of the anime. The reviews were mixed, with some finding the film adaptation too superficial and the casting of Johansson problematic.

Alita: Battle Angel
"Alita: Battle Angel", based on the manga by Yukito Kishiro, is a live-action adaptation directed by Robert Rodriguez and produced by James Cameron. The story follows Alita, a cyborg woman who wakes up in a post-apocalyptic future and tries to decipher her true identity and past. Rosa Salazar embodies the lead role of Alita, with her performance using innovative motion-capture technology to create one of the most visually stunning elements of the film.
The adaptation was particularly notable for its action sequences and the detailed design of the world, which conveys a dark but fascinating vision of the future. Despite the visual effects and the impressive performance of Salazar, there was criticism regarding the story, which was seen by some as too simplistic or stereotypical. Nonetheless, "Alita: Battle Angel" was appreciated by many as a visually captivating experience that captures the spirit of the manga and anime well and sparks a greater interest in the world of Alita - even if the planned sequel has yet to materialize.

Cowboy Bebop
The live-action adaptation of "Cowboy Bebop" was released as a series by Netflix in 2021 and is a reimagining of the iconic anime from the late 90s. The series follows the adventures of Spike Spiegel and his crew of bounty hunters as they travel through space in a futuristic world in pursuit of criminal goals. John Cho took on the role of the charismatic Spike, while Mustafa Shakir and Daniella Pineda played the roles of Jet Black and Faye Valentine.
The series sought to preserve the unique style and blend of western, neo-noir and science fiction of the original by retaining the iconic music, visual flair and humorous tone. Despite efforts to capture the spirit of the anime, the live-action adaptation was met with mixed reviews. The series was ultimately canceled after just one season.