Image of A Shelter Among the Clouds
Poster of A Shelter Among the Clouds

A Shelter Among the Clouds


Genres Drama

Runtime 85 minutes

Release dates

Theaters November 28, 2018


Besnik is a lonely shepherd and devoted Muslim, haunted by unfulfilled love. He is the son of a Catholic mother and formerly Communist father whom he takes care of in an Albanian village in the mountains. Up here, Christians and Muslims have found a way to co-exist peacefully. Even after the discovery that the old mosque used to be a church and that the building was actually shared by the two religions in the past, the calm of daily life can be preserved - with Besnik's help. After the death of his father, however, drastic changes threaten Besnik's multi-faith family and the shepherd is forced to seek his own path.


Genres Drama

Runtime 85 minutes

Release dates

Theaters November 28, 2018

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