Image of Hudson


Genres Comedy & Drama

Runtime 75 minutes


Ryan is an actor, lives in New York's East Village and is actually right in the middle of life. During a break from filming, the hip thirty-something hops on the next train to the countryside to visit his cousin Hudson, who lives in seclusion in a small town and prefers to spend his days in his bathrobe. Hudson is actually a likeable guy, but he rarely likes other people, races cars around the living room table and can drive those around him to despair with all kinds of irritating habits. However, he seems to get on well with Ryan, and before he knows it, the smart city dweller is sitting in a rickety car with Hudson and the carefree, fun-loving chance acquaintance Sunrise, burying Hudson's mother's ashes under an old cherry tree in the rural wasteland. And as befits such a strange road trip, things go very wrong right from the start. It's going to be a long journey.


Genres Comedy & Drama

Runtime 75 minutes

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