Image of The Quiet Girl
Poster of The Quiet Girl

The Quiet Girl


Genres Drama

Runtime 94 minutes

Release dates

Theaters March 3, 2023


At the end of spring 1981, 9-year-old Cáit is taken to live with distant relatives in the country. The silent girl is supposed to spend the summer here without being a burden on her parents' house. With only the clothes she wears on her body, she moves into the well-kept country house, to which an avenue of lush green trees leads. When and if she will return home, she does not know. Seán and Eibhlín Cinnsealach are hard-working farmers who have made it to modest prosperity. Eibhlín cares for Cáit gently and lovingly, giving her security and closeness. The relationship with Seán is distant, until he too allows the girl to help him work with the animals and slowly opens up to the quiet child. In the care of her foster family, Cáit slowly blossoms and discovers a whole new life. But even in this home, where there might be something like love for her, there is a silence that feeds on the quiet but constant pain of its inhabitants. In the midst of this barren, beautiful Irish landscape lies hidden a secret, and Cáit sets out on its trail with newfound courage and confidence.


Genres Drama

Runtime 94 minutes

Release dates

Theaters March 3, 2023

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