Image of Togoland Projections
Poster of Togoland Projections

Togoland Projections


Original title (Language) Togoland Projektionen (de)

Runtime 96 minutes


Following in the footsteps of the Hamburg film director Hans Schomburgk who travelled through the German colony of Togo from Lomé to the north with his companion and actress Meg Gehrts in 1913, Jürgen Ellinghaus screens the footage shot then at its locations in modern-day Togo. Schomburgk’s affirmative images show slave labour, humiliation and the arrogance of the colonial power. The material is contrasted by Gehrts’ romanticising diary entries and other colonial reports which often testify to a horrifying coldness.


Original title (Language) Togoland Projektionen (de)

Runtime 96 minutes

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