Image of Somewhere in Queens


Genres Comedy & Drama

Runtime 106 minutes

Release dates

Theaters April 21, 2023

Digital June 6, 2023

In Stores June 20, 2023


Settled in the vibrant borough of Queens, Leo and Angela Russo lead a tranquil life amidst their affectionate Italian-American kin. However, the family's tranquillity meets an unexpected twist when their talented son, fondly known as 'Sticks', climbs up the ladder of triumph on his high school basketball team. In his unbridled enthusiasm, Leo goes to great lengths to propel his son towards success, but with bitter consequences that threaten to alienate the family.


Genres Comedy & Drama

Runtime 106 minutes

Release dates

Theaters April 21, 2023

Digital June 6, 2023

In Stores June 20, 2023

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