Image of The Animal Kingdom
Poster of The Animal Kingdom

The Animal Kingdom

He scratched her tender skin and found a savage!


Genres Drama, Comedy & Romance

Runtime 85 minutes

Release dates

Theaters December 28, 1932


Tom Collier has had a great relationship with Daisy, but when he decides to marry, it is not Daisy whom he asks, it is Cecelia. After the marriage, Tom is bored with the social scene and the obligations of his life. He publishes books that will sell, not books that he wants to write. Even worse, he has his old friend working as a butler and Cecelia wants him fired. When Tom tries to get back together with Daisy to renew the feelings that he once felt, Daisy turns the tables on him and leaves to protect both of them.


Genres Drama, Comedy & Romance

Runtime 85 minutes

Release dates

Theaters December 28, 1932

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