Image of Pig Head al Dente
Poster of Pig Head al Dente

Pig Head al Dente


Original title (Language) Schweinskopf al dente (de)

Genres Comedy & Crime

Runtime 96 minutes

Release dates

Theaters August 11, 2016


Province policeman Franz Eberhofer is in a real trouble. Susi, love of his life has fled to Italy because Franz has crossed the line. And while Grandma and Papa are planning a trip to Italy to liberate Susi from the clutches of her Italian lover, Franz has other problems. His boss has found a bloody pig head in his bed and Franz gets promoted to full time bodyguard.


Original title (Language) Schweinskopf al dente (de)

Genres Comedy & Crime

Runtime 96 minutes

Release dates

Theaters August 11, 2016

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