Image of Die Sterne über uns
Poster of Die Sterne über uns

Die Sterne über uns


Original title (Language) Sterne über uns (de)

Genres Drama

Runtime 91 minutes

Release dates

Theaters November 7, 2019


Forced into homelessness, Melli, a single mother, takes her son Ben to a forest. There they build a makeshift camp, set back from the paths so that no one can find them. They think this solution is only temporary. Melli firmly believes their lives will improve soon, a feeling that is strengthened when she is employed as a trainee flight attendant. Unlike Melli, Ben actually enjoys the exciting camp trip. Life under difficult conditions further strengthens the bond between mother and son.


Original title (Language) Sterne über uns (de)

Genres Drama

Runtime 91 minutes

Release dates

Theaters November 7, 2019

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