At Culver University, General Thaddeus Ross, Bruce Banner and Betty meet and talk about a recently failed experiment. The experiment aims to protect humans from gamma radiation in order to revive the "super soldier" program from World War II. However, the experiment goes wrong and causes Banner to transform into the Hulk once his heart rate rises above 200 beats per minute. There are several fatalities during his transformation. As a result, Banner is wanted by the U.S. military and Ross intends to weaponize him with the Hulk's abilities.
Five years later, Banner moves to Brazil, where he works in a bottling plant and searches for a cure. Incognito, he works online with someone known only as "Mr. Blue" and practices yoga to keep his transformations in check. Accidentally, a drop of Banner's blood ends up in a beverage bottle that a retiree in Milwaukee drinks and collapses due to the contamination. This puts the Army back on Banner's trail. He eventually confronts Ross' army and is aided by Mr. Blue, who develops an antidote to free Banner from his predicament. However, Banner decides to destroy the potential cure so that his power does not become a tool for wrong purposes.
After that, Ross and his squad try to recapture Banner, which brings up a new enemy, Abomination. Now Banner has to face an enemy who has the same powers as he does.