In cinemas starting March 21, 2025
Ash (2025)
A movie starring Eiza González, Aaron Paul and Iko Uwais
A scientist working on a space station orbiting a distant planet wakes up to find her colleagues have been viciously killed. Working with another scientist sent to rescue her, she begins to investigate what happened and unknowingly sets in motion a terrifying chain of events.
In cinemas starting March 28, 2025
The Woman in the Yard (2025)
A movie starring Danielle Deadwyler, Okwui Okpokwasili and Russell Hornsby
A mysterious woman who repeatedly appears in a family's front yard, often delivering chilling warnings or unsettling messages, leaving the residents to question her identity, motives, and the potential danger she might pose.
In cinemas starting March 31, 2025
Locked (2025)
A movie starring Bill Skarsgård, Anthony Hopkins and Ashley Cartwright
A thief breaks into a luxury SUV, only to realize that he has stumbled into a complex and deadly trap set by a mysterious figure.
In cinemas starting April 18, 2025
Sinners (2025)
A movie starring Michael B. Jordan, Hailee Steinfeld and Jack O'Connell
In the 1930s, identical twin vampires return to their Southern hometown to leave their troubled lives behind and start again, only to discover that an even greater evil is waiting to welcome them back.
In cinemas starting April 18, 2025
Hell of a Summer (2025)
A movie starring Finn Wolfhard, Billy Bryk and Fred Hechinger
When 24-year-old Jason Hochberg arrives for counsellor weekend at his beloved Camp Pineway, his biggest problem is feeling out of touch with his teenage co-workers. Little does he know; a masked killer has murdered camp owners John and Kathy and is preparing to strike again.
In cinemas starting April 25, 2025
Until Dawn (2025)
A movie starring Peter Stormare, Ella Rubin and Michael Cimino
Film adaptation of the 2015 video game of the same name that follows eight friends who are trapped together on a remote mountain retreat and discover they're not alone. Gripped by dread, with tensions running high, they must fight through their fear if they all hope to make it through the night in one piece.