In cinemas starting March 31, 2025
Locked (2025)
A thriller starring Bill Skarsgård, Anthony Hopkins and Ashley Cartwright
A thief breaks into a luxury SUV, only to realize that he has stumbled into a complex and deadly trap set by a mysterious figure.
In cinemas starting April 1, 2025
Shiver Me Timbers (2025)
A horror movie starring Amy Mackie, Brendan Nelson and Tony Greer
In 1986 Northern California, Olive Oyl, her brother Castor and friends, go on a camping trip to see the meteor shower with Halley's comet. But the night turns into horror as a meteor transforms Popeye, into a unstoppable killing machine.
In cinemas starting April 18, 2025
Sinners (2025)
A horror movie starring Michael B. Jordan, Hailee Steinfeld and Jack O'Connell
In the 1930s, identical twin vampires return to their Southern hometown to leave their troubled lives behind and start again, only to discover that an even greater evil is waiting to welcome them back.
In cinemas starting April 18, 2025
Hell of a Summer (2025)
A rated R horror movie starring Finn Wolfhard, Billy Bryk and Fred Hechinger
When 24-year-old Jason Hochberg arrives for counsellor weekend at his beloved Camp Pineway, his biggest problem is feeling out of touch with his teenage co-workers. Little does he know; a masked killer has murdered camp owners John and Kathy and is preparing to strike again.
In cinemas starting April 25, 2025
Until Dawn (2025)
A rated R horror movie starring Peter Stormare, Ella Rubin and Michael Cimino
One year after her sister Melanie mysteriously disappeared, Clover and her friends head into the remote valley where she vanished in search of answers. Exploring an abandoned visitor center, they find themselves stalked by a masked killer and horrifically murdered one by one…only to wake up and find themselves back at the beginning of the same evening.
In cinemas starting May 9, 2025
Clown in a Cornfield (2025)
A horror movie starring Kevin Durand, Will Sasso and Katie Douglas
After moving to the fading midwestern town of Kettle Springs, Missouri, a teenage girl and her new group of friends find themselves the targets of the city’s mascot, a clown who goes on a murderous rampage.