Upcoming movies
Discover the best films from the upcoming cinema program in our constantly updated overview.
In cinemas since January 17, 2025
Wolf Man (2025)
A movie starring Christopher Abbott, Julia Garner and Sam Jaeger
With his marriage fraying, Blake persuades his wife Charlotte to take a break from the city and visit his remote childhood home in rural Oregon. As they arrive at the farmhouse in the dead of night, they're attacked by an unseen animal and barricade themselves inside the home as the creature prowls the perimeter ... (more)
In cinemas since January 17, 2025
Presence (2025)
A movie starring Julia Fox, Lucy Liu and Callina Liang
A family moves into a suburban house and becomes convinced they’re not alone.
In cinemas starting February 7, 2025
Heart Eyes (2025)
A movie starring Olivia Holt, Mason Gooding and Jordana Brewster
When the Heart Eyes Killer strikes Seattle, a pair of co-workers pulling overtime on Valentine’s Day are mistaken for a couple by the elusive couple-hunting killer. Now they must spend the most romantic night of the year running for their lives.
In cinemas starting February 21, 2025
The Monkey (2025)
A movie starring Theo James, Elijah Wood and Tatiana Maslany
When twin brothers Hal and Bill discover their father’s old monkey toy in the attic, a series of gruesome deaths start occurring all around them.
In cinemas starting February 28, 2025
Vicious (2025)
A movie starring Dakota Fanning, Kathryn Hunter and Rachel Blanchard
A young woman must spend the night fighting for her existence as she slips down a disturbing rabbit hold contained inside a mysterious gift from a late-night visitor.
In cinemas starting March 7, 2025
Bloat (2025)
A movie starring Ben McKenzie, Bojana Novaković and Sawyer Jones
A military officer stationed in Turkey while his wife is vacationing in Japan with their kids. During the stay, their younger son almost drowns in a lake. Soon after the accident, the parents realize that something is wrong with their boy.