Upcoming movies
Discover the best films from the upcoming cinema program in our constantly updated overview.
In cinemas since January 17, 2025
Emmanuelle (2025)
A movie starring Noémie Merlant, Will Sharpe and Naomi Watts
A young woman embarks on a series of sexual adventures with a series of men and women against the backdrop of expatriate life in Hong Kong.
In cinemas since January 17, 2025
Presence (2025)
A movie starring Julia Fox, Lucy Liu and Callina Liang
A family moves into a suburban house and becomes convinced they’re not alone.
In cinemas since January 17, 2025
Wish You Were Here (2025)
A movie starring Isabelle Fuhrman, Mena Massoud and Jimmie Fails
Charlotte finds herself in a rut, searching for a spark that seems just out of reach. After she has a whirlwind night of romance and imagining a future with a man named Adam, he ghosts her. When Charlotte finally discovers that Adam is terminally ill, she helps him spend his last days living life to the fullest.
In cinemas starting January 24, 2025
The Brutalist (2025)
A movie starring Adrien Brody, Felicity Jones and Guy Pearce
When visionary architect László Toth and his wife Erzsébet flee Europe to rebuild their legacy and witness the birth of modern America, their lives are changed forever by a mysterious and wealthy client.
In cinemas starting January 24, 2025
Brave the Dark (2025)
A movie starring Jared Harris, Nicholas Hamilton and Jamie Harris
A drama teacher tries to help one of his students, while dealing with his own issues.
In cinemas starting January 31, 2025
Like Father, Like Son (2025)
An emotional thriller about the lengths one man will go to end a brutal cycle of violence. Eli is a young man whose father waits on death row for the crime of murder in the first degree. As Eli’s life begins to fall apart, he discovers similar terrifying triggers in himself and takes extreme measures to ensure that the family’s string of savagery comes to an end.