In cinemas starting May 1, 2026
Avengers 5: Doomsday (2026)
An action movie starring Jonathan Majors and Tenoch Huerta
The Avengers have to assert themselves against a new enemy: Dr. Doom, played by none other than Iron Man actor Robert Downey Jr.
In cinemas starting May 22, 2026
The Mandalorian & Grogu (2026)
A science fiction movie starring Pedro Pascal
In cinemas starting June 5, 2026
Masters of the Universe (2026)
A fantasy movie starring Nicholas Galitzine, Jared Leto and Camila Mendes
An orphan named Adam discovers he is a prince destined to be the savior of a faraway land and must quickly learn of his power and the importance of saving his true home from an evil force.
In cinemas starting June 12, 2026
Scary Movie 6 (2026)
A comedy movie starring Dave Sheridan, Marlon Wayans and Shawn Wayans