Jack Roth
All informations about every movie and show with the involvement of Jack Roth.
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
An action movie starring Felicity Jones, Mads Mikkelsen and Ben Mendelsohn
78% like the movie
"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" is a captivating sci-fi film that follows the journey of Jyn and her team, Rogue One, as they embark on a mission to steal the Death Star's schematics. Action-packed and filled with suspense, this movie keeps audiences on the edge of their seats until the very end.
Till Death (2021)
A thriller starring Megan Fox, Eoin Macken and Aml Ameen
After a romantic evening in their secluded lake house, Emma awakens handcuffed to her dead husband. Trapped and isolated in the dead of winter, she must fight off hired killers to escape her husband’s twisted plan.
The Snowman (2017)
A thriller starring Michael Fassbender, Charlotte Gainsbourg and Rebecca Ferguson
51% like the movie
When an elite crime squad’s lead detective investigates the disappearance of a victim on the first snow of winter, he fears an elusive serial killer may be active again. With the help of a brilliant recruit, the cop must connect decades-old cold cases to the brutal new one if he hopes to outwit this unthinkable evil before the next snowfall.
Brimstone (2016)
A thriller starring Dakota Fanning, Guy Pearce and Emilia Jones
71% like the movie
In the menacing inferno of the old American West, Liz is a genuine survivor who is hunted by a vengeful preacher for a crime she didn’t commit.
The Burning Girls
Ein Serie mit Samantha Morton, Ruby Stokes and David Dawson
Follows Reverend Jack Brooks and her daughter in Chapel Croft, a place for a fresh start that soon reveals its community's dark history and where ancient superstitions and mistrust of outsiders are quite common.