No trailer for the Superbowl! "Terminator" fans are disappointed
Nevertheless a first trailer for "Terminator: Dark Fate" should not take too long to be released
Many fans of the Terminator series have counted on a super bowl trailer for the reboot and were deeply disappointed. Instead James Cameron announced the title and some interesting details this week. The Terminator Reboot will be called Dark Fate and Arnold Schwarzenegger will play a role as well. According to Cameron, Schwarzenegger is supposed to return and be really evil. So we will experience a completely new Terminator that we haven't seen before. By the way, the film is supposed to tie in directly with Terminator 2 from 1991 and Linda Hamilton in her iconic role as Sarah Connor will also be part of it again. In addition, it was revealed that the film will be set in Mexico. Of course, we stil hope for a trailer and we probably can expect it soon - after all, the release date is already set for November 1, 2019.