"Transformers 7: Rise of the Beasts": Merchandise Product Shows First Peek at Optimus Primal
Also Bumblebee can be seen
This week there was some news about the upcoming "Transformers: Rise of the Beasts". Basically, characters from the popular "Beast Wars" series are presented here for the first time in live action format. In addition to Megatron, it is Optimus Primal in particular who will make fans' hearts leap for joy. As the Transformers fan site "The Allspark" shows on its website, there is finally a first look at Optimus Primal and also Bumblebee. There we can see a mask that turns into a toy figure, along with the accompanying manual.
Besides, the fan site has published an image of a Russian "Transformers" account: it shows Optimus Primal with fur elements and Bumblebee with his classic Chevrolet Camaro components. In summary, we can say that both characters are close to the original and fit well into the 1990s, where the new movie is supposed to be set. Optimus Prime will have to deal not only with Autobots and Decepticons in the upcoming "Transformers: Rise of the Beasts", but also with Terracons, which are new to the film series and likewise very dangerous. There is just about a year left until the official release on June 9, 2023, so hopefully we will soon be able to take a more official look at Optimus Prime, Optimus Primal and many others.