Tenth season confirmed! "The Walking Dead" continues soon
After the death of a fan favorite the number of viewers dropped steadily
The zombie drama The Walking Dead will receive a tenth season. At the latest since season 8 and the death of fan favorite Carl Grimes the ratings sank continuously. The fans simply want more concordance to the Walking Dead comics, in which Carl doesn't die, by the way. Also season 9 was even less watched than season 8 despite the announcement of big changes. For comparison: while 5 years ago there were 16 million viewers, today the figure is only 6 million. Andrew Lincoln aka Rick Grimes also dropped out in season 9 to the annoyance of many fans - another break with the comic template. So why AMC has announced a tenth season for ocotber is not at all clear to many fans. But you can be curious what the second half of season 9, which will be released on February 11th, will bring and whether season 10 will make it even worse in October this year.